Submit your flexible work opportunity!

Please fill out this form with the details of your flex work opportunity. If you have more than one style of position available, please feel free to fill out additional forms.

Create a fun and engaging title that will attract potential applicants.
Try to stay away from formal descriptions. Keep it light, casual, and straightforward.
List some expectations to give the applicant a better idea of what they'll be doing, what your needs are, what your environment is like, how often they would work, etc.
List ideal qualities of candidates. Ex: …if you love retail and talking with customers or …if you love data entry and are tech savvy.
List shifts that you need help covering. Have a few openings? List them all! Ex: one Saturday a month or lunch hours during the week.
List the variety of ways that applicants could get paid or other fringe benefits. Ex: hourly wage, stipend, store credit or discounts, health insurance, freebies, etc.
List the different ways they can apply. Ex: online, stop in, or call
Who should interested applicants speak to?